Friday, August 31, 2012

The Big Move

Well, we made it to Texas! We spent our last night in Utah at Brandon's parent's house. I cannot express enough how much I love that family. They are so fun and the BEST in-laws a girl could ask for. We could not have moved out this smoothly without them. For real. After a tearful goodbye the next morning, we were off. 

It was a long 2-day drive that I have made quite a few times before, but this time it was extra fun. Probably because I got to sit in the front seat the whole time and I got to pick where and when we stopped and what we got to eat. But probably more so because it was our first long road trip together and we really loved talking, laughing and playing with the atlas we almost didn’t bring. It was great to have two whole days where we just got to hang out and be together.  Plus Lacey is a fun little road trip companion.

Hole in the rock—we wanted to go in, but we stopped a little bit early and we would have had to get back on the highway for 15 seconds and zip in real quick. That or hike through this sketchy looking field full of rattlesnakes with our baby to get to the entrance. Still cool though.

The picture does not do this rainbow justice. It looked like it was on fire. So cool.

We hit some bad weather on our first night, so we decided to stop a little sooner than planned in Albuquerque because it was so dark and rainy and unfamiliar. We’re not complainers though.

Olive Garden plus cable TV equals happy Riders. Also my husband is hot.

There’s something great about only hating the last four hours of a 48 hour drive because you just like the people you’re with. And the only reason you hated those last four hours was because it was late and you were tired and the car was dumb and you just wanted to be there already.  

Finally made it!