I just can't decide if I want to give background information on the past year or just dive right into now and catch up as I go, so I might just do both. I was looking at some old wedding plans and I found a description of Brandon's proposal to me. I was so giddy, I love it. And I can honestly say he still makes me this happy :)
Brandon took me to the "Magic Water Tower" where we had our first kiss. He brought hot chocolate and a blanket and we watched the sun set--or attempted to, it was too dang cold and windy! He set up the self-timer on his camera and we were goofing around, trying to get a good picture. As he was setting up, yet again, he ran back to me and started to pose for the picture. Then he said "wait." He got down on one knee, switched knees because it kind of hurt, pulled out my dream ring, looked up at me and said "Tara, will you marry me?" I said yes like 500 times and we kept hugging and looking at each other, and hugging and kissing and laughing. It felt so amazing to know that we really were going to be together forever. Then we called and told my parents, went back to his house and told his family. Then went to Olive Garden and ate WAY too much food, but it's okay because we're getting MARRIED!!!

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