Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I Love You Mom

I know this is late, but since when do I do anything on time? I just wanted to give my mom a little shout out in lieu of Mother's Day. My wonderful mom has been there for me since day one. I can call her anytime I want to laugh, cry, or just talk about nothing. She is the best cook I know, which I always took for granted, and she always does her best to make sure her kids are happy. I know she always has and always will love me, even though I've been far less than the perfect daughter. She taught me how to be honest, to forgive and forget, and to learn from my mistakes, and not to short change myself. She also taught me to NEVER use margarine on an english muffin! Among so many other things that I am so grateful for. She's the best mom I could ask for and even though she may not do everything perfectly, she is definitely the perfect mom for me. Thanks for showing me how to be a grown up, how to have a good sense of humor, how to serve others, and how to make killer spaghetti sauce. Love you mom! 


  1. um hello blog! didn't know you had one :) love this.

    1. Thanks Kristin! I'm pretty new at the whole blogging thing, but I figure it's a good way to keep track of life :) I adore yours, btw :)
